We love our partners!

A Special Thank You!
The Petco Foundation
has awarded us a
$20,000.00 grant in 2018.
We will use this grant for general operating costs such as vet bills and supplies for foster cats under our rescue.
Staten Island Hope Animal Rescue would like to offer a sincere Thank You to Lindsay and Pillows For Paws who showed up at our adoption event with generous donations of handmade pillows,toys and hammocks; as well as treats, food and even KMR formula for the cats and kittens under our rescue.
Below: 3wk old Squeak snuggled up in her new blanket after a feeding. And 16wk old Legolas enjoying his new comfy pillow. Both courtesy of Pillows for paws.

Bath, Body and Candle Moments
Staten Island Hope Animal Rescue is grateful to be partnering with Bath, Body and Candle Moments. A portion of all sales will be donated to our rescue towards caring for the animals we save!
to visit their website and shop from the fine line of products, all of which are vegan and cruelty free!!
At Bath, Body, and Candle Moments, we have a different vision for the world. We know you could pick up and buy luxury candles and all natural goods at your local mall, but does each one serve a greater cause? Can you shop confidently knowing that you are making the world a little better with every purchase? With us, you can.
A portion of every single purchase…yes, EVERY purchase, will be donated to Staten Island Hope Animal Rescue. This incredible organization runs solely on dedicated volunteers who seek to foster pets, adopt pets, educate pet owners, rescue abused animals, and provide medical treatment to animals. We feel privileged and honored to have an opportunity to give back to our local community. We feel so strongly about this issue, we’ve made it our mission. Several months back we received accreditation from PETA’s Beauty Without Bunnies Program, and we have officially been accredited by Leaping Bunny as being cruelty-free.
Article Written by Nomi Berger
It’s that time again. For goblins and ghosts, pumpkins and pranks, and things that go bump in the night. But as responsible pet owners, please ensure that your cats aren’t innocent victims of Halloween’s fun and frolics.
Consider the following suggestions to keep your cat safe not sorry.
1. Keep candy out of reach of your pet. Chocolate, especially dark or baking chocolate, can prove toxic for both cats and dogs. Candy containing the artificial sweetener, xylitol, can also cause problems. If you suspect your cat has ingested something toxic, please call your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435.
2. Although pumpkins and decorative corn are considered relatively non-toxic, they can still produce an upset stomach if nibbled on by your cat.
3. Keep wires and cords from lights and other decorations out of reach of your pet. If chewed, your cat might be cut or burned or receive a potentially life-threatening electric shock.
4. Although festive, carved pumpkins with candles inside can be easily knocked over by your cat and a fire started. Curious kittens in particular run the risk of being singed or burned by a candle flame.
5. Keep costumes for your children and away from your cats unless you’re certain they’re comfortable being decked out, not stressed out, by putting on the “glitz”. Or opt for a Halloween-themed bandana draped round your cat’s neck.
6. Keep all but the most social cats in a separate room when “trick or treaters” come to call. Even then, take care that your cat doesn’t dart outside whenever the door opens.
7. Should your cat “pull a Houdini” and vanish, ensure that he/she has either been micro chipped or is wearing a collar and tags for proper identification and a swift return to your anxious arms.
With some strategic planning beforehand, you and your cat can be assured of spending the safest and happiest of Halloweens together.

September 29. 2015

We'd like to offer a very special thanks to Girl Scout Troop 5256 and their Scout Leader, Jen Wilson today. These upstanding young women each made a winter shelter, homemade cats toys and cat beds as a summer project. Tonight we gratefully received their donations and presented them with a Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of our rescue.
Who knows, there may very well be some future faces of Animal Rescue among them.

Article Written by Nomi Berger
“Every sixty seconds, an animal is abused.”
This, according to the ASPCA. And so, they have designated April as “Prevention of Cruelty to Animals” Month. They have also urged their supporters everywhere to “Go Orange for Animals” to increase public awareness.
The following are ways YOU can help.
Using your personal Facebook account, create an ASPCA fundraising page for an important event in your life and share it with friends and family. Whether you “donate” your birthday, honor the memory of a beloved pet or run a 5k with Team ASPCA, the money you raise will benefit needy animals nationwide.
Drawing on your own, personal contacts, team up with a local shelter or rescue in sponsoring a ”Go Orange for Animals” event (wearing orange, of course). Whether it’s an adoption event or a donation drive, give them the proceeds and/or supplies you’ve collected, and know the difference you’re making is huge!
Spread the word about “Prevention of Cruelty to Animals” Month by posting on your social media networks using the hashtag #fightcruelty and tagging @aspca. Encourage your family and friends to follow the ASPCA on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.
Visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center online, join their Advocacy Brigade to receive emails about important animal welfare-related legislation, and learn how YOU can become a voice for the voiceless.
Looking for the perfect fur friend for your family? Both shelters and rescue groups have loving dogs and cats of all breeds, ages and colors, desperate to find their own perfect families. By adopting, not shopping, you’re saving two lives: the life of the animal you adopt and the life of the animal taking its place.
How To Report Animal Cruelty
If you witness the act yourself, you can go to your local police commissioner and ask to swear out a warrant summoning the accused person to court.
Or you can find out precisely where to report the incident in your area. Then, either call or email them, providing a concise, factual statement of what you observed,
including the date and approximate time of the abuse.
If possible, photograph the abusive situation and date your pictures.
If possible, gather brief, factual written statements from other witnesses.
If you have documents pertinent to your complaint, always make copies for your own records before giving them to anyone else.
If you call to report a case of animal cruelty, keep a record of the person you contact, the date, and the content and outcome of your discussion. Make it clear that you are interested in pursuing the case, and that you will help in any way you can.
If you don't receive a response from the agent/officer assigned to your case within a reasonable length of time, follow up. Present your information to his/her supervisor and, if necessary, to local government officials, such as the county commissioner, and ask them to act.
Remember. If YOU don’t speak up, this abuse is likely to happen again.


Today we had the pleasure to meet some great kids at St. Patrick's School and present them with a certificate of appreciation. In the true spirit of charity and giving, these young students collected donations for animals in need. Cat food, litter, beds, toys, treats, bowls, towels -- all of which we will put to good use! We'd like to extend our sincere gratitude to the students of St. Patrick's School on Staten Island for their generous donations to our rescue. Thanks, kids!

$10,000.00 Grant
The Petco Foundation is deeply honored to be able to grant Staten Island Hope Animal Rescue the amount of $10,000.00. We extend our best wishes to your for continued success and look forward to hearing about the wonderful accomplishments you were able to accomplish together with this grant. You make a real difference for animals.
The Petco Foundation Team
$1,000 DONATION!
We would like to offer our sincerest gratitude and appreciation to Dr. Manjeet Singh, DVM and Aadobe Animal Hospital for their $1000.00 donation towards veterinary care. They treat and care for many of our fosters and rescues throughout the year. Without their help we would not be able to save nearly as many lives.
Aadobe Animal Hospital
1294 Forest Avenue, Staten Island, NY, 10302
Phone 718-370-0700

Article Written by Nomi Berger
Have you thought of adding some new and different resolutions to your traditional New Year’s list?
Have you ever thought of getting involved in the world of the rescue, but didn’t quite know how?
Here then, are twelve different ways – one for each month of the year – for you to resolve to make a difference in the lives of rescue animals this year. Even if you choose only one, that choice will make all the difference in the world.
1. Contact your local humane society or animal shelter and volunteer your services to them: from office work, to cleaning cages and kennels, to being a cat companion once a week.
2. Donate a basket or bag containing such items as food and treats, toys and games, bowls and litter to that same humane society or shelter.
3. Contact a local rescue organization and ask to volunteer for them. Volunteers form the backbone of every non-profit group, and no group can function without them. Areas always in need of extra hands include web site assistance, updating email lists, attending adoption events, planning and attending fundraisers, distributing flyers, pamphlets and brochures, and transporting animals to and from vet appointments.
4. Select one particular rescue online that “speaks to you” and make a monetary contribution to them – either as a onetime payment or as recurring monthly payments.
5. Read about the other ways you can donate to them – from wish lists to links to various online stores’ web sites – and purchase items both for yourself and them that way.
6. Follow that particular rescue’s Face Book page, and both “like” them and “share” their postings on social media on an ongoing basis.
7. Instead of accepting birthday gifts this year, ask your friends and family to make contributions to that rescue in your name.
8. Host a small fundraiser (bake sales, garage sales and yard sales are among the most popular) and donate the proceeds to that rescue. You will receive not only their gratitude, but a tax receipt as well.
9. At your place of work, keep a container on your desk with the name of that rescue on it, and encourage your co-workers to deposit their spare change in it. Once the container is full, bring the change to the bank (already rolled, please), mail a check to the rescue, and begin again.
10. Sign petitions, both online and in person, calling on pet stores to stop selling cats and dogs.
11. Foster a cat from a shelter or rescue. Learn precisely what’s required of you, then welcome one very needy and deserving animal into your home temporarily, until he or she can be placed in a permanent home.
12. Adopt a rescue cat and save two lives – the life of the one you are adopting, and the life of the one who will immediately take his or her place.
As for next year? Either continue working your way down this list, or resolve to draw up one of you own.


Duchess, one of the cats abadndoned in a milk crate at NYC Animal Care and Control was adopted in a new home and given a second chance at a happy life. We are very happy to post updates like this one, not every cat is so lucky.
Article Written by Nomi Berger
For centuries, black cats were revered. Then, in the blink of a great, green eye, their fortunes were reversed.
What changed history’s good luck charm into a symbol of all things bad? Is it similar to a child’s game of broken telephone, where the message mouthed at the beginning is mangled at the end? Or is it more a case of one person’s myth (read “superstition”) being another person’s magic (read “allure”).
Because, ironically, for cats colored black, their status seems to depend on when they lived, where they once lived, and where they live now.
Cats were deemed sacred by the ancient Egyptians and killing a cat was considered a capital crime. Family cats were even mummified and buried alongside their loved ones. Some cultures believed that black was a protective color and that black cats had the power to ward off negative forces. Many believed that black cats were reincarnated beings capable of foretelling the future. But after the Romans, devout cat worshipers themselves, introduced them to Europe, a coin was tossed and heads flipped to tails.
Beginning in the 1400’s, cats became inextricably linked with people accused of practicing witchcraft. Cats, especially black ones, were thought to be these witches’ familiars, or supernatural guides. The Irish believed that a giant, mythological black cat could steal a dead person’s soul before the gods could claim it, forcing loved ones to maintain round-the-clock vigils until the deceased was safely buried. The English believed that witches transformed themselves into black cats in order to roam the country, spying on people and wreaking havoc wherever they went.
The belief that witches could change themselves into black cats crossed the Atlantic with the first American settlers, and reached its zenith during the infamous Salem witch-hunts and trials. In the southern states, folklore about supernatural black cats and their misdeeds abounded, while pirates believed that if a black cat walked onto their ship, then just as quickly walked off again, the ship would sink on its next voyage.
The stigma dogging black cats has even spilled over into modern times, where, in some countries, a black cat seems synonymous with bad luck. Examples? Meeting a black cat early in the morning. Having a black cat turn its back on you. Chasing a black cat from your property. Walking under a ladder after a black cat has walked under it.
And yet, ironically, other countries believe that same bad-luck black cat brings only GOOD luck. Examples: Meeting three black cats in a row. Touching a black cat. Having a black cat enter your home. Owning a black cat. Having a black cat greet you at the door.
In fact, more people in more places have always felt that a black cat stood for good, not evil. Fishermen’s wives believed that owning a black cat kept their husbands safe at sea, while stage actors were convinced that a black cat in the audience on opening night signified a successful run. Peasants were convinced that feeding and showing respect to blacks cats would bring them good luck, while villagers felt that presenting a bride with a black cat as a wedding gift would bring her good fortune.
Adding to the confusion is the greatest superstition of all -- that having a black cat cross your path is unlucky. But only for those living in North America and in some European countries. For those living in Japan, having a black cat cross your path is considered LUCKY.
Today, practitioners of Feng Shui, who believe that cats are drawn to harmony, place a figurine of a black cat in their homes, facing north, to ward off evil. And best of all? Simply dreaming of a black cat is considered a lucky omen in itself.
And so, for all those in doubt or in fear -- sweet dreams.


We'd like to offer our sincerest gratitude to Staten Island Nissan for donating $1,000 to our organization. The dealership rescently held a fundraising campaign through social media, promising to donate money to Staten Island Hope Animal Rescue for every "LIKE" on their facebook page. Today, they followed through on their generous guarantee.
Two of our dedicated volunteers, Christopher and Maureen showed up at 1220 Hylan Blvd and accepted the check on behalf of our organziation. Chris even brought a special guest: Raistlin, a four month old black kitten. He was a happy kitty and really wanted to test drive a cool new Nissan from the lot, but was unable to due the fact that he is a cat and lacks a valid driver's license. He amicably settled for being held and having his picture taken by a photograher from the Staten Island Advance. Lovable Raistlin is currently avaiable for adoption.
The donation will be put to good use, allowing us to rescue more cats and kittens from the kill list and help ensure that all of our rescues will receive proper medical attention.
Dozens of abandoned cats appear outside Brooklyn animal shelter trapped inside milk crates and shopping carts
If anyone can adopt one or two, it will help. We are able to take them from the city shelter if a good foster/adopter becomes available, otherwise there is not much we can do as our rescue has already reached its capacity. Please help! They deserve a second chance, we will post info on each cat under photo. If you can help email us at SIHoperescue@aol.com

Deana A1010634- 2 year old Female, black tabby & white DSH- 6.5 lbs- Stray
Puffy, a three-year-old neutered cat is described a "chill" by shelter staff
This kitty mystery is a head-scratcher.
Nearly two dozen cats have been dumped outside a Brooklyn animal shelter within the last 10 days, trapped inside milk crates and delivered in shopping carts, staffers at Animal Care and Control of NYC said.
“We’ve taken these cats in, but there are better ways for members of the community to surrender pets or bring in stray animals,” said Risa Weinstock, the facility’s executive director.
Workers found the first batch of abandoned felines on Aug. 15. They were greeted by a shopping cart full of 11 cats trapped inside eight inescapable containers that were secured with blue tape, officials said.
Three days later, another 12 cats were delivered in the same manner.
It’s unclear who is behind the bizarre drop-offs.
To read full article in the NY DAILY NEWS

Dairy A1010955- 2 year old Neutered male, black DSH- 9.8 lbs

Daven A1010633- 2 year old Male, black DSH- 7 lbs- Stray

Brad A1010946- 9 month old Male, black & white DSH- 5.5 lbs
Delilah A1010944- 1 year old Female, black tabby & white DSH- 4.7 lbs
WOW! This is great news that we just had to share. A recent, extremely generous donation of $1,000 was received from Emily and Michael. The loving couple adopted Mitts, a kill-list rescue, about two years ago. At their wedding reception, the newlyweds opted to make this generous donation to our rescue instead of giving party favors to their guests. The donation will be put towards continuing to rescue and treat cats like Mitts and help them find thier forever homes.
We offer Emily and Michael our sincerest gratitude and wish them a long, blessed marriage.

"Our daughter Emily and now son-in-law Michael adopted a cat about 2 years ago from you [Mitts, off the kill list] and in lieu of party favors at their wedding reception on Saturday they chose to make a donation to the shelter. "
-Sue Goodman

(left to right) Cathy, Megan, Michelle & Sal

(left to right) Michelle, Diane and Maureen

On May 31 and June 1 2014 the largest adoption event of the year was held across the nation sponsored by Maddie's Adoption Fund and presented in New York by the Mayor's Alliance for NYC Animals. All throughout the five boroughs, with hundreds of locations and over ninety animal rescues taking part, thousands of cats and dogs were up for free adoptions over the two day span.
Founder/President of Staten Island Hope Animal Rescue, Michelle Christofilakes, along with a dedicated group of volunteers, showed up at the events in Manhattan eager to help find loving homes for the rescue's many adoptable cats. There were also volunteers working to find adopters for even more of the rescue's cats at Petco's Richmond Avenue location on Staten Island on Saturday.
Maddie's Adoption Days was a huge success!! At the end of the event the Mayor's Alliance for NYC Animals reported that this was "a record breaking nation-wide event" and that over 4,000 free pet adoptions had transpired in at participation locations in just two short days!
We're so happy to announce that Staten Island Hope Animal Rescue found adopters for sixteen of their cats and kittens during the course of the weekend. Nothing makes us happier than seeing these great animals being placed with good families!
Of course, there are always more lives to be saved and many wonderful rescued animals are still in search of their forever homes. We'll continue working to make every ending a happy one.
Taj is a recent ACC rescue in foster care that needs eye surgery at a veterinarian clinic in MA. Please help us raise the funds to get this kitten better and into a forever home!!! -
We have raised over $300 to help cover Taj's eye surgery! If interested in making a donation please click on his picture
We will keep you updated on his progress.

Saxi needed an eye enucleation due damage incurred from a shelter URI. She is being treated at Aadobe Veterinary Clinic. Thanks to your kind donations we have raised a total of $455 for her treatment! Even more GREAT NEWS: Saxi has already been adopted into a forever home!! None of this would have been possible without the help of people like YOU!
We will be posting pics of SAXI in her home as soon as we get them!
Thank you to everyone that donated towards the Oakwood cats being relocated to a safe new home. We took cats down the week of June 10th to the sanctuary in LI and the rest of the cats will be going in the next two weeks. The residents we were helping greatly appreciate all the assistance from our rescue and people that donated to help these displaced cats. -