Our pets are often like furry family members. Our lives are made better because of their unconditional love. This page is dedicated to the pets we've loved and lost.
If you have a photo and dedication of a beloved pet you'd like to share on this page please e-mail it to us with the word "Memorial" in the subject line.

In loving Memory of Patty a long time animal rescuer who will be forever in our hearts

The short time you were here, you were loved.
Your foster mom will miss you very much and
you have a special place in kitty heaven now.

(Dalmatian)April 24, 2004 - April 12, 2017
Trouble was always a bundle of joy. She was a great friend and companion full of love and zest not only to her human parents, but also to her brother, Freddy Mercury, our Whippet. She will be greatly missed by all of us. She will live in our hearts and minds forever.

R.I.P. May 13, 2014.
Beloved cat of Michelle Christofilakes.

Sonny Girl
Sonny Girl
Sonny-Girl was rescued from outside by my grandmother. When Gramma could no longer care for her, my husband and I took her in 2006, She lived with us for 7 years until she passed away at age 16. Sonny Girl was such a sweet cat. We loved her very much and will always miss her. She is the reason we volunteer with Staten Island Hope Animal Rescue.
R.I.P. 1/10.2013
Cathy & Chris Mancuso.

Formerly Sara Bella, Khaleesi was pulled from the kill list at only four weeks old. Christopher and Catherine Mancuso, two volunteers from our organization adopted this kitten the day before she was scheduled to be euthanized. Not only was she a special needs kitten because she had CH, but she was a very special kitten that. even in her brief time with her new parents, touched their lives very deeply.
Because of her condition, and her very young age,
Khaleesi required a lot of attention and care. This little purr machine returned their dedication with a lot of love. She wanted nothing more than to be held close and snuggled.
Sadly, Khaleesi fell ill and quickly took a turn for the worse. Despite all efforts made, her life could not be saved. She had to be put to sleep on October 2, 2014. After only a short 23 days in her new home. At 10:30am she took her last breath, her dedicated owners by her side helping to ease her transition to the other side.
Christopher Mancuso writes:
Rest in Peace, sweet Khaleesi. We saved your life once, and as hard as we tried, we couldn't save you a second time.
You made us very happy, but more importantly to us,
you had the opportunity to experience happiness yourself...
if only for a short while.
We comforted you until the very end of your struggle.
You were very brave. You did take a piece of us with you when you left,
but you also left a piece of yourself with us in our hearts and our memories. Sleep well knowing that we loved you very much.
With Love Everlasting, Chris & Cathy

Kenny was a lovable teddy bear rescued
from outdoors in Staten Island in 2008,
unfortunately he was diagnosed with FIV
but lived a happy healthy life until passing.
He will be missed by our family! 5/20/2011
Andrew L

At only 5 weeks old, Neon was already extremely sick when he was pulled from AC&C. This kitten spent his last few days of life in a caring home being loved and nursed by two fosters. Rest in Peace Neon. You will not be forgotten.

Snowy. Beloved cat. He was rescued from Pet Smart in 1998 when he was 2 years old. He was an indoor/outdoor cat from 2001-June 2014. He enjoyed his window seat and chair and Fancy Feast cat food fish varieties. He will be deeply missed.

We have unfortunate news about Molly from the foster home she passed away a day ago after much battle with a terrible URI and the feeding tube placement, it wasn't enough. Thanks for all the donations we will be sure to use them for other foster cats in our care in her memorial.
RIP 2/5/14

Formerly Sevie, Gryphin was pulled from ACC with unknown injuries. He was not able to stand on his own. Unfortunately, despite efforts to save him, the vet reported that poor Gryphin had too much nerve damage and needed to be put to sleep. We would like to thank everyone who donated to help try to save him.
Rest In Peace,Gryphin. 6/14

Cashew was a rescue from the kill list. She had to have a feeding tube inserted and was in poor health. She seemed to be getting better for some time, but recently took a turn for the worst. Sadly, Cashew has passed on, but at least she died well loved in her foster home, not afraid and alone in a shelter. We sincerely thank everyone who donated to her treatment. Not every cat can be saved, but every cat is worth trying to save. RIP 7/14

Onyx was a rescue from the kill list. He was in a foster care with Janine who cared very much for him. For a short while he lived the good life which he greatly deserved and for that we are thankful. Onyx had many health problems, but our organization did our best to help him get well. Unfortunately, Onyx's issues were too severe and he is no longer with us, but at least he is no longer suffering. Sleep well, boy. RIP 9/7/14

You will always be in our hearts!
RIP 9/12/12

A rescue kitten only four months old,
poor Sly fell ill and unfortunately could not be saved.
Rest In Peace, Sly.
Sleep well.

MIDNIGHT (A0995238)
RIP May 2014

RIP BUBBLES April 2015
"And can it be that in a world so full and busy, the loss of one small creature makes a void in any heart, so wide and deep that nothing but the width and depth of vast eternity can fill it up?"...
Charles Dickens >^.^<
Thank you Bubbles for being the best cat
I have ever had the privilege of
calling my cat.
A part of my heart left with you today
and I will carry you forever with me
because those we love never truly leave us.
- Jenn Ford

Jack Hope
Jack Hope
It is with great sorrow that I said goodbye to my cat, Jack Hope, on Wednesday, April 22, 2015 at about 5:55 pm. I was blessed to adopt Jack from Staten Island Hope in mid-February 2014. He was on the NYC Kill-List and due to be euthanized. Staten Island pulled him from the list and I picked him up in Staten Island. Jack had likely been hit by a car in Brooklyn and was brought in by a good Samaritan to the Brooklyn Animal Care and Control... a very scary place for cats and dogs, as many never make it out. Jack had a tail pull injury, which affected the nerves at his tail base. His tail was amputated and while his fecal incontinence subsided, he continued to "leak" urine. It didn't matter because I was in love!Jack adapted well to the rural lifestyle and he simply loved life, not having to worry about traffic or the concrete jungle. He was the most curious cat I've ever owned, following me everywhere from room to room, wanting to be a part of everything. For a long time he ate as much soft food as he could get, having likely gone hungry many days on the streets of Brooklyn. He was the first of my feline family to jump on the plastic tote to get fed each morning, increasing his weight from 8 to 12 pounds over several months. His best buddy was Oliver Wendell Oscar, one of my other male cats. They often chased each other and wrestled on a carpet in the living room. In December, Jack came down with a Urinary Tract Infection, and as the nerves in his hynie area healed, Jack lost the ability to released his sphincter and push his urine out, also unable to defecate with any regularity. After a number of "expressions" of his bladder and a few ostipations of his feces over the past few months, nothing changed. Sadly, drugs didn't help, and as hard as he tried to "go" #1 and #2 constantly, it wasn't happening. Jack was suffering. And so a tough decision was made to let him go. I loved Jack Hope, a.k.a. Jackson, and Jackie. I will always love him. He was a great cat that should have lived a long and happy life. I was so very blessed, though, to be his mom for 14 months, and will treasure the time we had together.
Thanks to Staten Island Hope!
Susan Rayl

Today my sweet Harmony passed over the Rainbow Bridge. After putting up a fight she suddenly took a drastic change overnight and went peacefully with my husband by her side at around noon. She spent her last morning relaxing on the front porch as she always wanted to do and being showered with attention. My heart is broken but I am so blessed to have had the time I had being her mommy and loving her as deeply as I did. Waking up without Harmony this morning is proving to be more difficult than I imagined. I miss seeing her first thing and having her curl up on my lap with me while I drink my coffee purring away. Ive had many cat's in my life but none as sweet as her.

Today we are broken-hearted. Sadly, our youngest boy went into liver failure and became jaundiced. He had been sick from several weeks, but none of the antibiotics seemed to help. There was nothing else that could be done. Less than a year old, his life was way too short, but he lived knowing happiness and love. And he gave as much as he received. Sleep well, boy. You will be forever in our hearts. - Christopher & Catherine Mancuso__July 6, 2015

Good morning yesterday...you wake up,and time has slipped away...And suddenly it's hard to find...The memories you left behind. Remember,do you remember?
I can't get over you. I miss you with all my heart. Iwake up and think I have seen you. I am so sorry, Miri. Maybe we should have tried chemo-I just didn't want to put you through more. The alternative therapies had good results and both vets thought they would help. I went on what I thought would give you the best quality of life... My heart breaks and I miss you my little friend. You were my love and my best friend. I would visualize you with me when we bought our house down south, sitting on your bed on the porch, looking out as the sun came up... we didn't get that chance. I wanted to give you a better life, Miri than you ever had. I love you so much sweetheart. If I could have kept you by my side healthy and well I would have. Rest in Peace Miri. Beloved cat of Debra Knowles.

Colonel Tigh
Colonel Tigh
Rest In Peace, Colonel Tigh
We didn't want you to go. We had hoped to have many years together with you. You were only with us a short while, but your life was full of love and joy. As much as it hurt, we stayed with you and saw you off to your forever sleep. You were brave. You will be dearly missed!
Christopher and Catherine Mancuso
September 2, 2015

Saved as a kitten from NYC Kill list, Noah & his sister spent a long time at our rescue. The extremely bonded duo became volunteer favorites, but sadly they were passed over by adopters... or perhaps they were just waiting for the right one to come along. She did. Noah was adopted in January 2015 along with his sister Nelli by Pam Guerin. He was a shy boy at first, but quickly warmed up to his new home and thrived to become a loving, trusting pet.
Sadly Noah got sick and crossed Rainbow Bridge. He leaves behind a broken hearted sister and owner, both who loved him to the moon and will miss him dearly. We at Staten Island Hope Animal Rescue are also very saddened by his passing, but we are grateful in knowing that he lived a happy life in an actual home. We hope that Pam will find solace in that as she was able to make a huge impact on his life. Because of her, he knew what it meant to be "home" And what more can a pet ask for?
Sleep well, Noah. You will be missed.

Rest In Peace dear Cheetah!
It broke our hearts to lose you but you didn't go alone.
Apart of us went with you, the day God took you home.
May 2017

In Loving memory of
Four Feet in Heaven
Your favorite chair is vacant now...
No eager purrs to greet me.
No softly padded paws to run
Ecstatically to meet me.
No coaxing rubs, no plaintive cry
Will say it's time for feeding.
I've put away your bowl, and all
The things you won't be needing;
But I will miss you little friend,
For I could never measure
The happiness you brought me,
The comfort and the pleasure.
And since God put you here to share
In earthly joy and sorrow;
I'm sure there'll be a place for you
In Heaven's bright tomorrow...
- Alice E. Chase
BOB & Ernetta Van Orden have made a generous donation to our rescue in the loving memory of "Fred & Ginger Van Orden"...who were also rescued, loved and well cared for...for 15 years. Sleep well knowing that you will never be forgotten.